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Our Check Plus cleaning is a very thorough cleaning of your home.   Items cleaned on a regular basis are easier to maintain and provide a nicer home to live in! 


 Counter tops cleaned

 Sink cleaned

 Cabinet doors


 Stove top

 Vent hood

 Floor swept/washed

 Baseboards washed

 Refrigerator outside

 Appliance surfaces

 Rugs vacuumed  




 Shower door

 Tile area behind tub

 Commode cleaned

 Sink cleaned

 Mirror cleaned

 Cabinet doors cleaned

 Floors swept/washed

 Baseboards washed

 Chrome/brass polished

 Rugs vacuumed

In all rooms

General straightening

 Cobwebs removed

 Furniture dusted

 Pictures dusted

 Carpet vacuumed

 Door knobs cleaned

 Doors spot cleaned

 Baseboards dusted

 Chair rails dusted

 Window sills dusted

 Blinds dusted

 Ceiling fans dusted

 Light fixtures dusted

 Trash emptied

 Wastebasket cleaned

 Floors swept/washed



 Linens changed *


Stairs / Halls / Foyer

 Stairs vacuumed

 Banister dusted

* customer must provide clean linens.

The Housekeepers Inc.

401 Lime Quarry Rd Suite F

Madison AL 35758

© 2017 The Housekeepers Inc. All rites reserved.

(256) 864-0004

Office Hours   Mon - Thur   8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

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